Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year, New Resolutions!

Well, the holidays are over. I’m not going to fully recap what happened at our house because it was surprisingly low-key (and without major illness). We had friends and family over, and celebrated Harry’s 1st birthday on Christmas day (notice we did not name him Nicholas, Christopher, or Jesus although I swear my mom did say that any of the three would be cute when he turned up at 12:39 am on Christmas morning last year. I’m also sure she would deny that conversation ever happened).

My favorite part of the week was watching my husband persevere in putting together a train table for four hours on Christmas Eve. I was actually incredibly proud that we were able to participate in that important rite of passage in which parents get tipsy while staying up way too late assembling overpriced toys, and then barely manage to pull themselves out of bed on Christmas morning when their children have the nerve to wake up before noon.

Anyhow, enough about the past. Let’s engage in another important cliche - New Year’s resolutions. Without further ado, here are mine:

Keep reading here: Patch blog #7