Monday, April 2, 2012

Park Peril (of the Toddler Variety)

I had big plans for my mega millions winnings, had I actually won. Well, let’s be honest...had I won the jackpot, I probably wouldn’t be writing about it. Instead, I’d be buying crazy things like jet skis and Vespas and hiring private trainers and chefs.

But I’d like to think I would still be somewhat charitable and would fund the project that I believe is most necessary to the survival of moms everywhere: FENCED-IN PLAYGROUNDS.

Let me back up and explain. First, I haven’t blogged in what feels like forever because we were decimated by winter viruses in my home. Quite frankly, it became tedious to talk about the latest illness and our umpteenth doctor’s visit with family and friends, so I certainly didn’t want to bore the masses. There was a stretch in there where we visited our clinic 8 times in 3 weeks. Another high point was bringing both boys to urgent care on a Sunday at different times during the day. We experienced RSV, croup, two rounds of stomach bugs, multiple double ear infections, several asthma flare-ups, and a fun bout with thrush.

I came away with two important thoughts: 1) I really should go back to school to become a pediatric nurse (and if I’ve said this before, then I definitely need to start the application process), and 2) My kids will never miss a day of school once they start kindergarten because their immunity will be so awesome (In my fantasy, their time at school is when I enjoy a latte after a morning at the gym. However, my husband has deigned to enlighten me that this is the point in life when I will be returning to a job that provides a paycheck. Luckily, I have a few years to sort that and him out.)

Keep reading here: Patch blog #8

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