Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Crib Jumping

Update: Auggie climbed out of the crib tonight. Just to set the record straight, he is absolutely fine. I was in the room when it happened and caught him while holding Harry which resulted in what feels like a spinal injury (me) due to their combined 57 lbs.

Auggie had been extremely difficult during bedtime and had elected not to sit with Harry for story time. As a consequence of this PPD (poor personal decision as my friend Melissa terms it) I put him in the crib with his monkeys and books.

Apparently he didn't feel the need to reflect on this behavior, because he then looked at me and swung one leg over the rail. (Just to reassure you again, this is the point at which I caught him - a good five times, in fact because like a masochist I kept putting him back in the crib). If Auggie could speak, I'm sure he would have said "f&*@ you world" while pumping his fist in the air when he made contact with the ground.

If you haven't laughed yet, it's probably because I'm still too close to the situation. No, literally, I'm too close. I'm sitting in the rocker next to his crib right now. I think he's staring at me, but I can't tell because the glow from the computer screen is hurting my eyes. In case you're keeping track, we are now in minute 134 of the bedtime routine. Yup, 2 hours and 14 minutes have passed since the boys started their baths.

Keep reading here: Patch Blog #3

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